Categorie: (Guest) teachers

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See below for the other (Guest) teachers.

Veronika Schäpers

Veronika Schäpers is without question one of the most skillful protagonists among today’s book artists. In her work, boundaries disappear; her elaborate text arrangements are neither simply illustrated nor typographic books, but instead are best characterized as visual compositions. These are accompanied by an astonishing range of bindings, including the traditional

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Sarah Burgess

Sara Burgess has worked with paper, printing and books arts for over 20 years. She has taught and exhibited in North America and Europe and enjoys sharing her knowledge and love of paper art. Sara studied printmaking in Canada where she earned her BA and then studied Illustration in San

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Jan Peter Zimmerlich

Jan-Peter Zimmerlich manages his own bookbinding workshop since 20 years and emphasizes the broad spectrum between simple traditional works and valuable exclusive objects. He prefers to call himself a “technical designer” rather than a “book artist”. Innovations are a constant challenge for him. He is constantly questioning traditional working manners.

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Dario Zeruto

Dario Zeruto, Havana (Cuba) in 1965. I live in Barcelona, Spain. Being a mechanical engineer by profession I may still struggle with conceptualizing what I do within the parameters of contemporary art and design. I work with paper as an expressive medium, taking about the book object as fundamental reference

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Kylin Lee

Kylin Lee Achermann is an American born hand bookbinder and craftsperson. Her work focuses on contemporary bookbinding and using those materials and techniques as a launching point for the design and creation of a variety of beautiful and functional objects. After earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in Photography and Cognitive

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Hedi Kyle

Hedi Kyle had a big influence in the developping of contemporary bookbinding since end 1970’s. As bookconservator she developped a lot of innovative and onconventional structures for designing, fabricating and a different way in looking to books as a piece of ‘architecture’. Her extensive knowledge of historical bookstructures is visible in

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Nadine Werner

Nadine Werner did her apprenticeship in bookbinding in Hamburg and a further education as a handicraft designer at the Craft Academy for Design in Kassel. After working with various bookbinders in New Zealand she opened her own workshop in 2005 as a free-lance book and paper designer. Her fields of expertise are adhesive-free bindings, book

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Paul Johnson

Paul Johnson has an international reputation for his pioneering work in developing literacy through the book arts. He is author of over fifteen titles including A book of One’s own, Literacy Through the Book Arts and Pictures and Words Together (all published by Heinemann, USA). Recent teaching tours include Sweden, South

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Sün Evrard

Sün Evrard is a designer bookbinder. Her work can be found in many public and private collections in several countries. She has been teaching around the world the techniques she developed in book structures and also some of her innovative decoration techniques. She considers bookbinding as a permanent interaction between Form

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Lori Sauer

Lori Sauer has a background in the arts with degrees in fine art and English literature. After working for a number of years in publishing she studied bookbinding at The City Lit in London.She has won various awards for her work over the years including the Silver Medal in the Bookbinding

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Benjamin Elbel

Benjamin Elbel fell in love with bookbinding while studying art in Strasbourg, France. From the beginning his interest has been towards the experimental side of the craft; he embarked on a journey that took him to Switzerland (Ascona- Centro del bel libro- the inspiration for his company name), Germany (Göttingen- die Buchmanufaktur)

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Marja Wilgenkamp

Marja Wilgenkamp is a professional bookbinder based in Blokker, city of Hoorn in The Netherlands. Since 1997 Bindery Wilgenkamp has produced books for individuals, companies and professional organisations. Marja’s previous career as a textile design instructor gives her a distinct perspective on design and the use of materials that she

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