Miniature books competition 1999
In 1999 a competition miniature bindings was organised by the bookbinding society (now: Stichting Handboekbinden).
The prints were made by publisher Philip Elchers in Groningen.
One book was bound with a free content and one was bound with a content that was given by the publisher.
Here a picture of my two bound books.
Book 1: Hollands water with the music score of poems.
The music score were made for the poems by Anton Greefkens, one of the members of the ‘Poetisch Liedgenoodschap Tot Innerlijke Bloei’ (a music group) not exsisting anymore.
Materials: shammy leather, fish leather, transparent paper, monotype, brass staples.
Book 2: ABC-darium, published by Philip Elchers, Groningen.
Titel in a recess, by pushing the panel down you can make the titel visible.
Material: Own decorated paper by using the batik technique, brass rods, title shield of leather.