Stub Binding (coursecode: SB-01-25)


A book sewn on stubs has many benefits.

It has a nice and flat opening, is a ideal solution for texts printed with the wrong grain direction, gives you the opportunity to play with colour and form in the stub itself, the use of different sized sections within one binding or even altering text-to-cover ratio, the answer to rounding and backing very thick sections, its adaptability for use with all binding structures, adding a single section is no problem anymore, good for conservation purposes and it is very decorative.

It’s an intensive and very exciting way of working and so beautiful….
In two days students will learn several variations and the refinement for stub binding.
Sewing on stubs is known in the Netherlands as the Atlasbinding but the refinement you learn in this masterclass is developped by the French binder Martine Melin who is a specialist in this binding.

With the models as your guide and the knowledge learned you will be able to bind your own books on stubs. Every book has another way of sewing on stubs and the beauty is in the detail.

The pictures below show a few ways (there are many more) of using stubs. The stub on the last picture shows the functional use of a stub which gives a nice design element at the same time.

Basic bookbinding knowledge required

Date:Friday 14 & Saturday 15 February 2025
Time:10.00- 16.00h
Costs:€ 220,- incl. coffee/tea, materials & lunch
Number of participants:Six
Availability:Full- You can sign in for the waitinglist
Location:Bindery Wilgenkamp, Blokker, The Netherlands
teacher:Marja Wilgenkamp
Language:Dutch, English if needed